Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mexico launches $92 million 'Vive Mexico' recovery campaign

Mexican President Felipe Calderon announced a $92 million national campaign, called "Vive Mexico," to reignite tourism following the recent H1N1 public health scare that brought the industry to a grinding halt there. As part of the campaign, Mexico's tourism minister, Rodolfo Elizondo, announced the launch of the website, for english verison for booking online reservation click here which includes offers on travel packages to destinations throughout the country. "The Vive Mexico campaign will include unique prices and attractive offers that will motivate the domestic market to travel," Elizondo said. "This segment represents 85% of the country's tourism-generated income." Monday's presentation of the campaign by Calderon in Mexico City was followed by testimonials from celebrities such as golfer Lorena Ochoa, singers Alejandro Fernandez and Placido Domingo, actor Diego Luna and soccer player Rafael Marquez. "I invite every Mexican to show international tourists how visiting our nation is a great experience; that Mexico is not only a beautiful country but is also strong and capable of facing the toughest adversities," Calderon said. "We await visitors from all over the world with open arms to our beaches, cities and towns."

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